14 Copyright and Restrictions

This manual and all accompanying files may be distributed freely, provided that:

1. Neither text nor any other file is modified in any way. No file may be omitted nor added in the distribution, except registration program.

2. No money may be charged for the program nor for any accompanying files, other than the usual downloading time fees charged by commercial BBSes and online services.

3. I want to know where my application will be distributed. Please notify me if it will be included in printed matter, floppy, or CD-ROM before its publication. No matter what the circumstance, I would strongly appreciate a copy of whatever collection in which it is included. However, I do NOT permit ASCII corp. (Tokyo, Japan) to include Abroad! in their publication, in any format.

The author will not take responsibility for any damage or loss that occurs using this program. If you have any bug-reports or improvements you would like to see, please send them to me.

Yoshimitsu Kanai (ykanai@kagi.com)